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  • Your click in the little square signifies that you will adhere to RMN posting guidelines

    Rumor Mill News Agency's Prime Directive:

  • To reveal and thereby thwart the plans of the worldwide conspiracy that wants to destroy our civilization and replace it with a feudal slave state.
  • RMNews refers to this collective conspiracy as the New World Order.
  • To fulfill the Prime Directive, RMNews publishes articles and information that could be construed as damaging to:

    • Criminal enterprises run by elected and/or appointed government officials
    • Treasonous politicians, bureaucrats and corporations
    • International racketeers who masquerade as Federal Reserve, IMF and World bankers

    Rumor Mill News Agency comes under attack on a regular basis because we reveal the secret agendas and secret plans of politicians, bureaucrats and governments worldwide.


    • In March 1999, RMNews stated the Kosovo war was intended to bring back the Iron Curtain and the Cold war. Recent events in Russia, Chechnya and China, as well as headlines in major papers worldwide confirm our analysis.
    • In November of 1998, RMNews revealed Hillary Clinton would run for Daniel Patrick Moynihan's New York Senate seat. Three months later, the major papers "broke" the story.
    • In September of 1996, RMNews revealed a government operation that created race selective viruses which are intended to wipe out selected groups of people. In 1998, the London Times "broke" the story when they reported experiments designed to create "ethnically targeted viruses" by both the South African government and Israel.

    Because RMNews Agency has a consistent track record in accurately predicting and revealing hidden agendas, certain individuals and agencies have sent in infiltrators to monitor our webpage.

    This is to be expected. The publisher of Rumor Mill News has been a pain in the side to certain government agencies and groups since 1984.

    Since 1984, Rumor Mill News Publisher, Rayelan Allan, has consistently stepped on the toes of high ranking CIA, FBI, Defense Department, United Nations, and elected officials throughout the world.

    RMNews's investigative reports, circle of friends and Sources, and proven track record of thwarting evil agendas by revealing them prematurely, dictates that the Rumor Mill News Agency requires monitoring by governments worldwide. Our enemies would be foolish if they failed to monitor RMNews. These people may be criminal and evil... they are NOT foolish.

    In the past, Rumor Mill News has caused tremendous grief and heartache to certain people. As a result of this, members of their "family", both bloodline and payroll, have made it their business to see that Rumor Mill News is discredited and disrupted as much as possible. Rumor Mill News has been consistently attacked by:

    • "Vacuum Cleaners" a euphemism from the intelligence world that describes people who "befriend" whistle blowers in the guise of reporters, film agents, fellow investigators or concerned friends and supporters; for the sole purpose of bleeding every drop of information they can from a targeted individual. This information is then passed up the line.
    • "Disinformation Agents" whose purpose it is to sow doubt in an attempt discredit the information being put out by Rumor Mill News.
    • "Time consumers" whose questions and information are so good that much time is spent walking down roads that lead no where, but are extremely interesting. The purpose of the "time consumer" is to consume so much time that nothing can be written or published.
    • "Trained psychological Agents" whose purpose is to identify sensitive emotional buttons and press them as often as possible, thereby disabling writers and investigators who have sensitive and painful personal issues. This prevents the writers from doing their work. In some cases, it makes the writer lash out at attackers, and thereby discredit themselves.

    All of the above tactics, as well as others, have been used on the Rumor Mill since it was created in June of 1996. The Creators of the Rumor Mill, Gunther Karl Russbacher and Rayelan Allan (Russbacher), were used to these types of attacks since they had been victim to them since 1961 and 1989 respectively.

    When the new Rumor Mill News Webpage was put up in September of 1999, a new feature was added The Rumor Mill News Reading Room.

    The Reading Room was added for several reasons:

    • To encourage serious researchers, investigators and whistle blowers to post their information in an arena that is widely read by other researchers and investigators. By sharing our pieces of the puzzle, we can assist each other in exposing the massive conspiracy that threatens us.
    • To allow Rumor Mill Readers an opportunity to dialogue with RMNews writers, sources and investigators.
    • To facilitate information delivery from our Sources who are forced to live in the Shadows.
    • To allow RMNews readers to share news stories and information discovered in other news outlets and arenas.
    • As a place to read breaking news stories posted by our "agents" from around the World.

    Unfortunately, the RMNews Reading Room came under attack by "vacuum cleaners", "disinformation agents", "time consumers", cyber terrorists, and by a new breed of Internet attackers and disruptors, the "Internet graffiti taggers" who filled the Reading Room stupid posts which said nothing, mean nothing and merely took up space on the bulletin board.

    RMNews believes these "taggers" are low level government agents because no informed individual who understands the purpose of the Rumor Mill could possibly post such disruptive and stupid nonsense.

    It is obvious to all who are connected with the Rumor Mill that the attack which closed down the first Reading Room was orchestrated by groups who would prefer to see the Reading Room permanently closed or discredited. Either these people are on the government payroll, or they are psychologically unbalanced.

    During the time that the RMNews Reading Room was closed down, we found a new bulletin board which will allow Rumor Mill News readers to:

    • Post information
    • Dialogue with other investigators and researchers with the intent of adding to the information
    • Minimize "graffiti tagger's" damage

    The new bulletin board allows Rumor Mill News to monitor, correct and/or eliminate problems before they become major disruptions.

    The new bulletin board and list of guidelines will do two things:

    • The new format will make it harder for Internet "graffiti taggers" to disrupt the flow of information.
    • The list guidelines will make it impossible for the "taggers" to cry "censorship" and get sympathy from anyone!

    Hopefully, the new software and guidelines will allow us to keep the Reading Room up and running so that we we may continue exchange vital information which exposes the secret agendas of the world wide criminal conspirators.

    Rumor Mill News Reading Room Guidelines:

    "Rayelan's, Rights, Rules & Requirements" -- "Rayelan's, Rights, Rules & Requirements"

    All information posted in the Rumor Mill News Reading Room must adhere to the Prime Directive:

    To reveal and thereby thwart the plans of the worldwide conspiracy that wants to destroy our civilization and replace it with a feudal slave state. RMNews refers to this collective conspiracy as the New World Order.

    In other words, Rumor Mill News Reading Room posts must adhere to the format of this website,

    Things that are not allowed:

    • Porn, cartoon porn, sexually charged images
    • Obscenities or sexually charged language!
    • Links to Pornographic webpages
    • Internet "graffitti"
    • Name calling
    • Slander
    • Hate for hate's sake
    • Mean spirited attacks on Rumor Mill News or its publisher... (this does not mean you cannot disagree, but do it politely.)
    • Mean spirited attacks on the investigators and researchers who post in the RMNews Reading Room.

      If you disagree with something that is said, you can either e-mail the author or post information which gives another point of view. The purposeful trashing and smearing of another researcher will not be allowed.

    • No Ad Hominem attacks... you can attack the work... NOT the person!!

      If you do attack the work, please do it in a professional way... not a bitter, mean spirited way!

      You cannot bypass this rule by violating the letter of the law and having readers do your attacking for you! No posting reader emails that are ad hominem attacks!!

      Agents who ONLY post to attack other agents will quickly be banned!

    • No Proselytizing. (added Sept. 8 2019)

    • No personal Vendettas against private citizens. Private citizens CAN and DO sue when they are libeled! The difference between a public figure and a private citizen should be fairly obvious! If there is a grey area, RMN will come down on the side of NOT posting anything that can be deemed slanderous or libelous.

    • You can NOT bring problems from other sites to Rumor Mill News. If you are having problems with other alternative sites, whether they be radio, print or web, you can NOT bring your problems from these other sites to Rumor Mill News.

    • You can NOT make charges or pick fights with ordinary people or other alternative news sites. If you want to do this, do it on your own webpage. If you don't have a webpage, get one!

    • You can NOT post for BANNED, RESIGNED or EX-AGENTS without FIRST clearing EACH post with RMN Admin!

    • No outright LIES about anyone, public OR private!

    • Posts with nothing but a link are not allowed.

    • Posts devoid of content are not allowed.

    • Complete articles from other sources are not allowed without permission from the writer. If you are posting an article from another source, please quote pertinent paragraphs from the article with a link back to the source, AND tell us why you think article is important. If you fail to do this, and the reason is not self-evident, then the article will be removed.

    • No Advertizements! Well written book reviews are NOT considered advertizements.

    • RMNews Agents are allowed to post links to their own webpages whether that webpage happens to be a business or an information page. RMNews Agents webpages are also linked on the front page of RMN.

    • Posting something in the Reading Room solely for the purpose of self promotion is not allowed. In other words, you can post parts of an article from your webpage, with a link to the rest of that article, but you can't just post a link to your webpage because you want to appropriate Rumor Mill News readers. This is nothing more than advertizing without paying for it... or stealing! Rumor Mill News is a two way street. You are NOT allowed to ONLY use us to advertize yourself without giving something back to Rumor Mill News. Posts with NO content.... only an AD, will be removed.

      If everyone only posted ads for their own webpage, we would very quickly have NO readers!! I have spent years and lots of money building the Rumor Mill News audience. In the past we have had agents whose only desire was to use RMN to build their own audiences, they rarely posted, and when they did, they only posted just enough to take that reader from RMN to their own webpage, and once they established their readership, including our donors, they turned on Rumor Mill and tried to take our readers with them. Rumor Mill News is about sharing... NOT stealing. We are located on the corner of "Give and Take"!

    • Posts will also be removed at the discretion of the OWNER of RMNews or her representatives.

      If you cannot abide by these simple rules, then please do not sign up.

      By agreeing to the rules of RMN, you agree to be part of our community which is a two way street. Contributing great articles to Rumor Mill is the "give"... the "take" is the reward of the intelligent and loyal readers you will receive from Rumor Mill News.

    Offenders will be banned from further posts.

    The privilige of posting in the Rumor Mill News Reading Room is by invitation only. If you agree to the guidelines, you will be allowed to post. However, if you violate the guidelines, your post will be removed and you will be warned. You will receive NO second warning, you will simply lose the right to post at Rumor Mill News.

    It is required for all RMNews Agent's to maintain a working email address.
    If any email address is returned as -- Undeliverable -- For Any Reason, that person will be excluded from access to posting in the Reading Room until I have a working email address.

    There is a free web based email in the Lounge. If you want to have your own SECURE email, go into the Lounge and post a message to Zapper!

    From Rayelan, Publisher of Rumor Mill News:

    Let me be the First to Welcome You to the World of Rumor Mill News.
    I hope your visit will be enlightening and informative... For yourself and others.

    As the final step, raise your right hand and repeat after me:

    "As a New Rumor Mill News Agent, I promise to uphold the Rumor Mill News Creed and Image by checking my facts (and spelling)." (You can put your hand down now. Please remember, this is a dangerous and ugly time we are living through. We must keep a sense of humor, in order to keep sane.)

    As soon as I get the notification that you have filled out this form, I will approve your application. You will be able to post when you get the notification that you have been approved. R.

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    The Uncensored National Rumor